Monday, September 10, 2012

Super Sized Nine Patch Quilts

Here's an easy way to make some really sweet little quilts.  I made these three tops the other afternoon.

Instructions from  Anita Grossman Solomon, courtesy of Quiltmaker magazine, can be found at

In a nutshell, you layer three pieces of fabric right side up, cut a nine patch through all the layers, shuffle the pieces, and sew them back together.

If you have six one yard pieces of fabric that all go together, you can make three quilts using three for the tops and the other three for the backings.

 Here's one of the backings I'm using:

Keep those Baby bundles coming!

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite Charity Quilt Pattern... you can use three yards, and using a cool folding trick, end up with THREE baby quilt tops. It only requires that you do 4 cuts with the rotary cutter! YES! You can make these up in just a few hours. I like to pre-cut every few months, and work them up at home. The provide nice free motion quilting practice too! Be sure to click on the link above and get your FREE copy of this great pattern!
